Monday 5 October 2015

Human range of emotional - behavioural conditions and REBT/CBT practice.

Human range of emotional - behavioural conditions and REBT/CBT practice. 

Over 23 years of providing psychological services to a large range of emotional and behavioural problems, it has never failed me to see how so many of my clients believe that their problems are medical problems. As many argue this point before me, I don't tend to agree that much of so call emotional disorders are results of some form of medical problems and in need of medical intervention. For example, it is historically documented that human kind can get oneself into unhealthy negative emotions such as depression anxiety, anger and more. Such feelings will lead any person to act in a self-defeating ways and that what I mean by human range ability. However,  does it means that the when a person reached his or her out most negative range, the causes are biological one and. Therefore, he or she need to be treated with medications?

I argue that human ability to think and understand oneself, other people and the world around him/her is a complex one. So complex that many things can go wrong when a flow of information gets into a messy cognitive processing.  Many philosophers, psychologists, sociologists and other human scientists do their utmost to understand where cognitively things may go wrong and why they are going wrong, but there is no clear one answer to all of that. Maybe because no one mind entirely processes information in the same way as the other. Nor do I believe that all thoughts create emotions and behaviour in total uninformed ways.

Many individual scientists, theorists and clinicians accept that by and large people may fall into the so call unhealthy negative emotions such depression, anxiety, etc. due to irrational and very hard ways of processing information (i.e. cognitive processing). Why is that occurring? We have no one answer, and we may never have one answer to such complex questions.

Is not that I don't recommend that people will ask to see a medical doctor when they are acting in a self-defeating style and in danger of hurting themselves or other people. In fact, I do recommends that they should see a specialist first, as medication and hospitalization as a more efficient form of crisis intervention than talking therapies.  However, as a long-term solution I do believe that learning to resume emotional and behavioural responsibility is the way forward, and that can be achieved by attending some form of talking therapies. I personally recommend REBT/CBT therapy, as it is much more cost efficient and it is teaching good self-help management skills.

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